
Monday, February 25, 2008

the makeup show miami

besides photography, my other big passion is makeup.
this weekend, my friend liz (makeup artist extraordinaire) took me to the miami show with her... it was an exciting experience and i learned a lot in one day.
the best part is that we signed up for a pro discount @ mac ;)
that's right my friends, 40% off!!!!!!!!!!!!!
don't be jealous.

thank you liz, love spending time with you (especially at mac;).


paula leme said...

segui seu conselho e montei o meu blogitcho tb! ainda esta em construcao, mas....rs
enfim, suas fotos estao demais ;)
parabens pelo blog!
bjokas :P

Ana said...

Oi Gil,

Usando o "gancho" da Paula ( que tb é uma querida, né?!) suas fotos tão demais sim!!
Corra mesmo atrás dos seus sonhos,acredite no seu talento e as coisinhas a mais, estamos por aqui!!! ;)

Alex Rodriguez said...

Now I know who to call for the next shoot. :)

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Fort Lauderdale, United States

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